Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hiroshima- Second reading

The character's names in this novel can get a bit confusing. Pick one character from the novel and make a list of information about them.(Include who they are, what they do, how they were affected, who they are with, ect.) Try to pick a different character than the people who posted before you, or find different information to share about that character.


  1. dibs... Mr. Tanimoto!i have to read first!

  2. ok Mr.Kilgas... im all set, Mr. Tanimoto was a tiny man, who was one to talk quickly, and other things. He studied at Emory College, in Atlanta, Georgia and graduated in 1940. He survived the atomic bomb explosion, by squeezing himself between two large rocks.

  3. Mrs. Hatsuyo is a tailors widow. Her husband was in the army and died in a battle of Singapore. Her children were in the other room before the bombing and when the attack occurred her children where buried under the rumble of their house.

  4. Dr. Terufumi Sasaki is a Red Cross Hospital Surgeon. He is at the hospital when the bomb is dropped on the city. Dr.Sasaki is knocked down by the impact of the bomb but is otherwise untouched.He was the only doctor in the hospital who is unhurt so he grabs bandages and begins to care for the wounds of the people inside the hospital.

  5. Miss Toshiko Sasaki: She worked in the personel department of East Asia Tin Works(which seems to be something to do with military). She was at her work when bomb hit. She was crushed under a bookshelf for hours before a person got her out. She was then put in the courtyard until a person helped her get to a a lean-to building. With her in the building was a women who lost a breast and a man that had sever damange to his face. She hurt her leg badly and went many places for treatment(relief shelter, military hospital, Mercy Primary School,Hatsukarchi school, Red Cross in Hiroshima, then to a different hospital). At the last hospital she had a room mate that liked her, although she was in so much pain she did not really have interest.

  6. Dr. Masakazu Fujii: He is the owner of a private single doctor hospital in which he is the doctor. He only had two patients in his hospital at the time of the blast. When the atomic bomb hit, he was facing the opposite direction and the blast knocked him in to the river.

  7. Father Wilheim Kleinsorge: He was from the Sociery of Jesus, at 38 he had the look of a boy growing too fast--thin in the face, with a prominent adam's apple, a hollow chest, dangling hands, big feet. He was tired all the time. He suffered for days with diarrhea. He does not know how he got out of the house when the bomb hit but the next thing he was aware of was that he was walking around the garden in his underwear and bleeding slightly.

  8. Father Wilhelm Kleinsorge is a German Jesuit priest stationed at a mission house in Hiroshima. Recently weakened by diarrhea from the wretched wartime rations, he is resting and reading a magazine in his room when the bomb strikes. The mission house, which has been double-braced for earthquakes, does not topple, and Kleinsorge and his fellow priests survive.

  9. Mr. Tanimoto was a reverend at the time of the attack. He studied at Atlanta, Georgia and he spoke excellent english and dressed in american clothes. He wasn't really trusted by the public.
    He avoided the blast by hiding between 2 big rocks that were in the garden

  10. Mrs. Hatsuyo Nakamura was married to Isawa. Word came Isawa was killed while in the army in Singapore. He was a tailer and left his wife with three children: Myeko, Toshio, and Yaeko. At the time of the attack Hatsuyo was watching her neighbor tear down his home while her three children were napping. While still looking at her neighbor she saw the whitest flash and suddenly she was buried beneath her now destroyed home. All three children and herself were fine after the attack, just shocked.

  11. Mrs. Hatsuyo Nakamura is widowed. She was married to a tailor when he went to the army and died in the Battle of Singapore. She was watching her neighbor through the window at the time the attack occured. Her children were in the other room buried in the debris.

  12. Dr. Terufumi Sasaki is fairly young to have the occupation as a surgeon and he works at the Red Cross Hospital right in Hiroshima. Even though he was in the hospital at the time of the bomb he was the only Dr. that did not get harmed from the explosion so after getting knocked down and a little shooken up he rushed to start treating others and their wounds.

  13. Dr. Terfumi Sasaki is a young member of the surgical staff of the city's Red Cross Hospital. He is fortunately not injured after the bomb explosion and immediately starts to treat and do what he can for those who have been injured. He works nonstop for hours on end and is finally given a break, where he sleeps for sixteen hours straight. After his break he goes right back to his duties and begins to help the wounded.

  14. Father Wilheim Kleinsorge- in society of jesus. Hes a big adams apple and a small face, is always tired. After the bomb he was all the sudden in the garden in his undies n bleeding.
    Coral LaPalm

  15. Mrs. Hatsuyo Nakamura-widow of a tailor, poor, has three children-2girls/1boy, depends on her late husband's sewing machine to support her family by taking in piece work, house collapsed, fled to Asano Park with her children and a neighbor.

  16. Mrs. Hatsuyo Nakamura is a widow of a tailor who had died in battle at Singapore on February 15th of 1942, but did not find out till March 5th. She has to take care of 3 children--Toshio, Yaeko, and her youngest Myeko.She takes up what her husband use to do. At the time of the bomb she was looking out to her neighbor when she saw the whitest flash and flew across the room. Instantly she worried about her children, and looked for them.

  17. Mrs. Hatsuyo Nakamura is a widow to a tailor who had passed away during the war. she has 3 children and is now doing what her husband use to do..

  18. Mr. Tanimoto servied the bomb by hiding between two rocks that he had in his garden. Mr. Tanimoto was a reverand at the time. He spoke really good english. A lot of people didnt like him very much either.

  19. Dr. Masakazu Fujii was the proprietor of a prive single doctor hospital. He is the doctor at the hospital, but only has two patients because he turned many away due to the threat of air raids. He had six nurses for the patients in his hospital. He was sitting on his porch by himself when the bomb hit. His hospital fell into the river.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Great posts, this page will be useful as a reference now in case people get confused about which characters they are reading about. Keep up the good work.

  22. Mr. Tanimoto was a reverend, who lived alone seeing as his wife and young child nights nights far away with a friend. At the time of the bombing, the Reverend was helping Mr. Matsui move one of his daughters belongings. Mr. Tanimoto dove into rocks to protect himself from the bomb.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Dr. Masakazu Fujii was a prosperous, hedonstic and he was bringing a house guest to the train station right away in the morning. He was a single doctor at his hospitalat the time, but he had limited his clients to two in case of a fire bomb. He new it was only a short time before Hiroshima was bombed. He survived because two long timbers of his hospital formed a "V" shape around his chest keeping his head above water, as he was blown into the river beside his hospital.

  25. Father Wilhelm Kleinsorge was a German Jesuit priest staying in Hiroshima at the time of the bomb. When the bomb was dropped he in the mission house reading a magazine. He was sick for days previous to the bombing and does not know how he got out of the house.

  26. Dr.Sasaki is A young surgeon at the Red Cross Hospital in Hiroshima.Dr.Sasaki is not injured from the blast. Dr. Sasaki treats thousands of the dying and wounded after the bomb with no sleep for three days.

  27. I like Mrs. Nakamura because I thought it was funny in the book when she reacts to the shock of the bombing by bundling her children into all of their clothes, including winter coats when it's August and very hot outside. That seemed like something a mother would do.

  28. Dr. Terufumi Sasaki is a young surgion in the the city's Red Cross hospital. He tried to practice medicine without a license in the small town where his mother lives. He survived the blast unscathed, but he lost his glasses.

  29. Dr. Masakazu Fujii was prosperous and he was bringing a house guest to the train station right away in the morning. He only had two patients because he turned many away due to the threat of air raids. He was sitting on his porch by himself when the bomb hit Hiroshima. His hospital fell into the river because of the bomb.
