Monday, March 7, 2011

Hiroshima- first post

After you finish reading chapter 1, read the letter President Truman wrote to the Hiroshima City Council, which is the first entry under the posts on this blog, and answer the following questions.
1. Prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor, were Japan and America friends?
2. Explain why you agree or disagree with President Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. Make sure you support your opinion.


  1. 1. Yes, prior to the atomic bomb America and Japan were friends. The letter says it many times about how they are friends and will help restore Japan again.
    2. I agree with President Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb. If he didn't, we would have had to attack on the land, which would have resulted in many many causalities for American soliders. Dropping the bomb also was a big step to ending WWII, so i think it was necessary to do.

  2. Prior to the war America and japan were friends
    I agree with president Truman to drop the atomic bomb on japan. They attacked us first and would fight until the last man. We had to protect people and end the war.

  3. 1)Prior to the attack, America and Japan were two countries that were neutral to each other and considered both allies and enemies in history.
    2)I do not agree with President Truman's decision to drop the Atomic Bomb on the city of Hiroshima. Pearl Harbor's destruction angered America and caused many casualties, but it didn't cause decades of devastation and ancestral loss like the atomic bomb.As the world's last strong standing democracy America should have had more strength and dignity than dropping two bombs to end the war, we should have been able to absolve it with words and not cruel actions.

  4. 1. Before the war America and Japan were friends.
    2. Yeah I agree with Truman's decision to drop the bomb because it saved hundreds of thousands of American and Japanese lives that would have been lost in an invasion of Japan.

  5. As Truman stated, the United States and Japan were friends before the war, and yes, i do agree with the decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. If not for the bomb, all of Japan was ready to fight off invading American troops to the death. In addition to this, Japan had originally attacked Pearl Harbor, unannounced and without provocation. Therefore, the atomic bombs not only spared the lives of a million people, American and Japanese, but avenged the deaths of thousands of men who had died in the attack on Pearl Harbor

  6. Yes, before the war Japan and America were friends. I guess I would have to agree with President Truman's decision to drop the bomb, but only because I think it ended up saving more lives in the long run. A prolonged war probably would have ended up with massive amounts of casualties, both American and Japanese.

  7. First off, yes. The Japanese and and the U.S. were friends before the war. But, I do agree with the dropping of the atomic bomb. For one, we were attacked first. Second, we were only looking out for ourselves. Any other place probably would've done the same thing if they had that kind of technology. But at the same time, we were just trying to end the war, any way possible.

  8. Yes, before the war America and Japan were friends. America said they would help Japan get back on there feet after the atomic bomb. I agree with pridents Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb because the war would not have stopped. More American lives would have been taken and i dont no what the world would have come to if the war kept going on.

  9. 1. before the atomic bomb was dropped American and Japan were not exactly friends nor were they enemies.

    2. i think that Truman made the right decidion on dropping the bomb because of all of the casualities that were prevented. Yes, many Japanese civilians were killed, but the civilians were not exactly logical and thinking correctly after being brainwashed for so long by the Japanese government. also by dropping the bomb it ended the war more quickly.

  10. In the beginning before everything happened America and Japan were good friends. Of cuorse, after this they stopped being friends. I think Truman was right in dropping the atomic bomb because of all the casualties that were prevented because of the bomb being dropped. If we wouldn't have dropped the bomb then we wouldn've still had to do something which would have probably been attacking them. That would be bad for them and bad for us also. Along with that outlook, by the bomb being dropped it ended the war quicker.

  11. At the start America and Japan were friends. I do agree with Trumans decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. If he didnt drop the bomb, Japan was ready to fight a huge fight with the Americans. Although it caused massive amounts of deaths in Japan, Truman made this decision to spare the lives of millions American and stop a brutal war from continuing.

  12. Prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States and Japan were friends. I agree with Truman's choice to drop the atomic bomb on Japan because it spared the lives of many Japanese and Americans that would have been lost if we invaded Japan. The atomic bomb quickened the surrender of Japan to the United States.

  13. yes they were friends. I agree with Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb because Japan was ready to fight till the end with their soldiers and civilians. If Truman did not do this many more American and Japanese lives could have been lost

  14. Before the war, Japan and America were friends partially based on their neutrality towards the war in Europe.
    I agree with Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan because of the intense battles the US faced prior to the bombing. Japan showed an extreme form of nationalism and its citizens were willing to help the war effort, even if it meant sacrificing themselves in the process.

  15. Prior to the dropping of the bomb, Japan and the United States were getting along. I agree with Truman's decision because not only did it save many American lives, but it was a huge step to ending the war.

  16. Before the bomb was dropped Japan and the United States were frieds. I agree with Truman's decision to drop the bomb. If he had not decided to drop the bomb many
    American lives would have been lost. By dropping the bomb he saved American lives and ended the war earlier than if he had not dropped the bomb. Even though many lives were lost it was still a good decision to drop the bomb.

  17. 1.Prior to the attack, America and Japan were two countries that were neutral towwards one another. 2. I agree with his actions with dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, it saved many American live and ultimately put an end to the war.

  18. Before the attack Japan and America had no problems with eachother. It's hard to decide if I agree with his decision or not because I think it's beneficial in the future that he did, but it also had many negative effects, one of them being how many people died.

  19. Before Japans attack on the US there were no tensions between the two countries, and they seemed to be 'friends'. And i do agree with his choice to drop the bomb, because although it opens up the scary thought of the bomb being used in the future, it was needed to end the war and in the end i think killed less people than if it was to be dragged out.

  20. Before the attack on Pearl Harbor Japan and America were friends. The letter repeatedly stresses that point. I agree with President Truman, I believe that it was neccesary to drop the atomic bomb because it saved many American lives because our soldiers did not have to go over and fight and this was a neccesary action because it severely weakened Japan to the point of surrender, when they would have otherwise fought to the death.

  21. Well it depends how far back we go to determine how friendly the relations were between Japan and America. In the early 1900s we were strong allies thanks to good old Teddy Roosevelt. However, in the immediate years before Pearl Harbor, we were not allies. We disapproved of their rampant militaristic conquests and didn't put out an oil embargo for no reason.
    As for whether or not the Atomic bomb was necessary, it certainly was. Not only were the estimated casualties higher in an invasion, but the Atomic bomb gave us one of the most vital tools in warfare- fear. That fear was what caused Japan to surrender. Who knows what kind of carnage would have continued without that fear aspect crippling the Japanese morale.

  22. Yes, before the war the U.S and Japan were friends. I agree mostly with President Truman, in the fact that I think by dropping the atomic bomb more lives were saved. If the war would have kept dragging out, I feel many more people would have died. I don't really like the idea of other countries now having the atomic bomb or something similar, but dropping the bomb was necessary at the time.

  23. Even though I hate this book, the United States and Japan were friends prior to WWII. Yes it was a good idea to bomb Japan because there were fewer deaths than if we had invaded on land. Japan was a threat and if we didn't do something they would have been even more of a problem.

  24. The United States and Japan were friends. I believe that Truman made the right decision by dropping the atomic bomb because he had to protect the United States from Japanese threat

  25. Japan and ameria were friends before we dropped the bomb. I think that he made the right choice dropping the bomb because it saved people.
