Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hiroshima- post for reading three

We should be a little bit more than half done reading this novel by now. Pick your favorite character, or one that you identify with the most. Tell why you identify with this character, and also how you think that the rest of this character's life will be.


  1. My favorite character is Mr. Tanimoto. Although he is exhusted, he continues to help other people. I think that for the rest of Mr. Tanimoto's life, he will continue to help others learn about what happened to Hiroshima by traveling and giving speeches.

  2. My favorite character is also Mr. Tanimoto, he is a fighter, and puts other people first before himself. I think for the rest of Mr. Tanimoto's life, he will share his experiance, and live a peaceful life.

  3. My favorite character is Dr. Sasaki. He was hardly wounded from the bomb and does everything in his power to help the victims that come into the hospital. Most of the doctors and nurses in the hospital are dead or are severely wounded and he takes on the responsibility to help thousands that come in. He gets barely an hours sleep throughout the crisis. For the rest of his life, I think he will realize that his effort towards saving thousands of people will make him appreciate life and will feel like he made an impact.

  4. My favorite character so far, is Dr. Sasaki. He is putting aside his wounds (which are not bad)and helping others as much as he can. He's becoming exhausted, but refuses to stop seeing all the people that continue to stagger into the hospital. Dr. Sasaski is suffering from a lack of rest, but continues to put others before himself. I believe Dr. Sasaski will live a somewhat peaceful life knowing how many lives he saved, and that he did everything he could in his power to help those you may have perished.

  5. My favorite character is Kiyoshi Tanimoto. He seems very selfless because he trys to help everyone he can. Instead of being happy that he was unharmed when the bomb hit he is somewhat ashamed and does anything he can to help the wounded. He is a fighter and even though he could sit around and mope about what he went through he turns a bad experience into a positive thing by traveling around and giving speeches, which I think he will continue you to do until he cant anymore.

  6. So far my favorite character is Mrs. Hatsuyo Nakamura. Hatsuyo is a single mother with three young children. Not only does Hatsuyo display great leadership qualities as a newly widowed mom, but she also has great perseverance. As the only provider for her family, Hatsuyo has proven that she can be independent even if it means very little income. Through her struggles as a single parent, she remains selfless and also caring towards her three children.

  7. My favorite character is also Mrs. Hatsuyo Nakamura, even-though I'm not that far into this book. She shows great character as a single mother trying to do the best she can for the lives of her children. She also remains not being as selfish and trying to care for her three children while she has a very little income. Although she is the only provider for her family, her children is her main priority.

  8. My favorite character is Mr. Tanimoto because once the blast was over he started to help people right away. Then he ran over 7 miles to his wife to see if she was okay. Then he just started giving water to the wounded. He puts other people before himself. i think he will live a good life because of his experiences with the attack.

  9. My favorite charachter is Dr.Sasaki because he started helping people when the blast hit and did not stop for 3 days. After that he finally passed out and then once awoken he went straight back to helping the wounded and dying. He tries to save every ones life and does not stop until he is physically unable to continue.

  10. My favorite character is Dr. Sasaki. He spends all day helping wounded people even after he is exhaused. And when he can't seem to take anymore he tries to take a nap but when people find him and ask for more help he does not complain. He simply gets back up and continues to bandage people up. I think the rest of his life will be remembered as the one who helped as many people as he could.

  11. My favorite character is Mrs. hatsuyo Nakamura.I admire her perserverance and determination. She is a currently single mother, her husband is a soldier. She is taking care of her three children on her own. Before the bomb, she started to sew with the sewing machine, like her and her husband had done. In the war is was hidden in water, so when she went back to get it was all rusty. However, she eventrually got it repaired. Hopefully she will be able to make enough money to keep her family well and her children going to school.

  12. I like Dr. Sasaki the best because he seems like an overall great person just because he is the only Dr. that is a live in that hospital after the bomb. Yet alone he decides to do everything in his power to try and treat the victims and their wounds and Sasaki doesn't even get an hours sleep! I hope and i think that Dr. Sasaki will feel a great deal of gratitude after things settle down and he looks back at what he had done.

  13. My favorite character is Dr.Sasaki, he is the only doctor that is alive, and will do anything to help all the others that were wounded because of the attack.

  14. My favorite character is Dr. Saski. He is the only doctor that surived during the bomb. Dr. Saski does everything he can to help the people that are hurt and he is an awesome person. He stays up all night with no sleep. When this whole thing blows over he will look back and be proud of what he has done. He is a good man and that is why he is my favorite character.

  15. ok, as of now my favorite charector would be Mrs. Hatsuyo Nakamura, she, althouygh a widow, is a very determined woman. she has to take c are of three oung children and even before the bomb must have been quite difficult. She, before the bomb, started sewing just like her husband had and pertaining to the rest of her life. i think she and her kids will do absolutly fine because of her perserverence and determination.

  16. Miss Sasaki is my favorite character because she was trapped for 2 days and 2 nights dealing with her crushed leg, 2 unpleasant comrades, no food, and no drink and yet she still pushed through her pain and suffering without complaint. She is also very patient with the hospital care that hadn't been the best during the difficult time.. I think Miss Sasaki will end up needing serious care and will share how she survived during the time. Or she might end her life early. :/

  17. My favorite character so far would have to be Mrs. Hatsuyo Nakamura. She is a widowed mother of three children. She is a great leader, and never gives up with the situation gets tough. She has proven that she can be independent, even though she has little income. She remains selfless through the whole struggle.

  18. My favorite character would be Mrs. Hatsuyo Nakamura. She is a very strong-willed mother and is unselfish. She is injured badly for the bomb, but that doesn't stop her from doing what she can to provide for her three fatherless children. She has very little income and has trouble supporting her children, but she is independent and pushes through the tough times. She is very courageous and i believe she will continue to take care of her family even through the struggles.

  19. My favorite character is Mr. Tanimoto because he was able to step up right after the bomb exploded to help all of the majorly wounded people. He was there with a boat to take people down the river and was able to help whoever needed in no matter what condition they were in. In the years prior to the bomb he will travel and give speeches to help raise money for a peace center in Japan.

  20. I think my favorite character would have to be Dr. Sasaki. Even though it was illegal, he practiced medicine in his mother's small country town because he wanted to help the people. Then, in the aftermath of the bombing, he continued to help people. Even when he became very rich, he didn't focus on the money; he focused on helping the people, and whatever money he obtained went--for the most part--into improving conditions for his patients.

  21. My favorite charactor is father kliensfield. He is so self less and even when he was injured he helped others. Through out his life he put others before himself and thats amazing!

  22. Dr.Sasaki is my favorite character because he helps others and he breaks rules to do it. Being one of the few healthy survives he uses this to help others which makes. Even when he has money he cares about the little man. Any person who can save millions of lives with disregard for his own is a hero. I think his life will be better off and he will become a great hero and be recognized for his work.

  23. my favorite character is dr. sasaki. he helps everyone all day and doesnt take a lot of time to take care of himself. for the rest of his life i think he will be honored by many people because of how hard he worked to help others.

  24. My favorite character is Dr. Sasaki. After the blast he was the only unhurt doctor and he immediately set out to help people. He worked for 3 days straight before he got a little rest. He awoke to people asking for his help and he didn't complain, he just got up and helped them. I think that he will be seen as a hero and people will look up to him for the rest of his life.

  25. My favorite character is Mr. Tanimoto because once the bomb was over he started to help people.He ran over 7 miles to his wife to see if she was okay. Then he just started giving water to the wounded. I think he will live a good life because of his experiences with the attack
