Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Hiroshima- Second reading

The character's names in this novel can get a bit confusing. Pick one character from the novel and make a list of information about them.(Include who they are, what they do, how they were affected, who they are with, ect.) Try to pick a different character than the people who posted before you, or find different information to share about that character.


  1. The character of Dr. Masakazu Fujii works and owns his own private hospital and was not stressed or busy before the bombing and only had two patients, but after the bombing he was in the river to escape the fire, his hospital was destroyed, and when he saw his wife who was in Osaka at the time they barely said anything because they were both confused.

  2. Mrs. Hatsuyo Nakamura is a tailor's widow who has three children, Toshio, Yaeko, and Myeko. She sews with her deceased husband's machine for a little money.
    After her family's night was interupted by a warning of American planes that did not cause harm, Mrs. Hatsuyo Nakamura refuses to wake up her children and walk them to a safe spot when another warning comes at seven in the morning.
    After the atomic bomb hits, her two oldest children are completely buried in the ruble and her younges daughter, Myeko, was buried up to her chest.

  3. Dr. Terufumi Sasaki was a Red Cross Hospital surgeon who lived with his mother 30 miles from Hiroshima. He was 25 years old and had just finished his training at the Eastern Medical University in China. He practiced medicine in his mother's small town without a permit after working 8 hours in Hiroshima. He was walking through a hall when the bomb hit, and suffered very minor injuries. He then continued helping the thousands of hurt people as they made their way to the hospital.

  4. Toshinki Sasaki, not at all realated to Dr. Sasaki, works as a clerk at the East Asia Tin Works company. Around the age of twenty, she has an eleven month old brother named Akio and a younger sister. She lives with her parents.
    Toshinki was in her office when the bomb was dropped and her book case fell onto her when it went off.

  5. Father Wilhelm Kleinsorge is a German priest. He was laying on a cot in the mission house reading a Jesuit magazine when the bomb hit. Father Kleinsorge tries to help a woman save her husband from their burning house but it unable to because of the rapidly spreading fire. He is also the one who tries to save Mr. Fukai's life by dragging him along with them when Mr. Fukai wanted to die.

  6. Mr. Tanimoto was a reverend he was alone in the parsonage at the time of the bombing because his wife and year old baby had been commuting between Ushida and Hiroshima to spend nights with a friend. He hid between two rocks when the bomb exploded and was unhurt. He helped ferry wounded people across a river into Asano Park with nothing but a bamboo pole to push the boat and at some points paddle with.

  7. Toshiko Sasaki, not related to Dr. Sasaki, is a young clerk who works in a tin factory. During the time of the bombing she was working. Once the bomb hit she soon became trapped under a fallen bookcase and becomes unconscious. She is soon pulled from out of the wreckage and put under a makeshift shelter with two other severely injured people.

  8. There's a young doctor named Tarafumi Sasaki, who is 25 years old and is a surgeon at the Red Cross hospital. He had been practicing on patients without a warrant, and is afraid that he will be punished if anyone finds out, but he does it anyway. He was in the hospital when the bomb hit on Hiroshima, the only doctor with minor injuries, and the only doctor in the whole hospital.

  9. there's a woman named Mrs. Hatsuyo Nakamura, she is a widow of a tailor. She stays home and watches her three children and after warning siren after warning siren she eventually gets tired of hauling her self and her children to the safe area. On the day of the bombing she heard the siren and decided along with the neighbor to not go, and to let her children sleep. while the bomb hit she was watching her neighbors tear down his home. We find out her neighbor was killed instantly in the boming.

  10. Father Wilhelm Kleinsorge is a German priest. He was laying on a cot in the mission house reading a Jesuit magazine when the bomb struck. His left side is badly wounded becasue he was lying on his right side. Father Kleinsorge tries to help a woman save her husband from their burning house but it unable to because of the rapidly spreading fire. He is also the one who tries to save Mr. Fukai's life by not letting him stay behind when he wanted to.

  11. My favorite character is probably Dr. Sasaki. He is a doctor at the Red Cross hospital, and helps out many. the whole hospital he works at kind of got destroyed in a sense, and all the doctors and nurses were badly hurt. Dr. Sasaki was the only uninjured doctor available to help the patients, so once everyone realized they needed to get help they crowded into his hospital, and he helps as many as he possibly can.

  12. The character I'm picking is Mrs. Nakamura. When the bomb went off she was 1,350 yards from the center. She has 3 kids; Myeko, Toshio, and Yaeko. They were all buried amongst the crumbled house. They all went to Asano Park after they escaped. After a while Mrs. Nakamura begins feeling weak, and losing her hair.

  13. The Reverend Mr. Kiyoshi Tanimoto is the pastor of the Hiroshima Methodist Church. At the time the bomb was dropped, he was with Mr. Matsuo and 3,500 or 2 miles from the center of the explosion. When the explosion happened Tanimoto threw himself between two huge rocks, which posiibly made him the luckiest because the rocks not only protected him from the explosion but most likely also from the radiation.

  14. Mr. Tanimoto was a reverend who lived alone at the time the bomb was dropped. He had a wife and baby who lived in Ushida where it was more 'safe'. He wedged between 2 rocks to avoid being hurt. He also helped people across the river with a bamboo rod.

  15. Dr. Masakazu Fujii is a physician who has his own little hospital where he also lives with several other nurses and his patients. He currently had only two patients because he daid that if there was bombing or something of the like he would not be able to get all of them to safety. His hospital was partially over the river and after the bomb the part that overhang the river had fallen in the river had he had gotten pinched and held above the water because he had been sitting out sife reading the newpaper in his underwear, which a lot of the characters seemed to do in this book. After hte bomb he saved two of his nurses and unnfortunately his patients parished in the wreckage.

  16. Mrs. Hatsuyo Nakamura is a widow who has three children, whose name that i don't know right off the bat. Her husband was a tailor and she continues to use it to sew for a while after he passes. She tries to hide the sewing machinge in some water and later wishes she hadn't because it ruins the sewing machine. She also bundles up her children in all of their clothes in case they were to get cold during all the business going on. All of her children end up getting buried in rubble after the bomb.

  17. Dr. Terufumi Sasaki is a young surgeon who worked for the Red Cross Hospital. When the bomb went off he was walking along the corridor of the hospital holding a blood specimen for a Wasserman test. He was the only doctor who was not hurt and was helping so many people that he was overwhelmed.

  18. Dr. Terufumi Sasaki is, as the name implies, a doctor. Despite not having a permit to practice, he goes ahead anyway to help people. When the bomb goes off he happened to by positioned in the exact perfect spot in the hallway where he suffered almost no injuries except a pair of broken glasses. What does he do next? He snatches a pair of glasses off some random nurse, walks off a nuclear explosion, and heads off to help more people. That right there is a pretty dedicated and awesome guy.

  19. My favorite character in the book is Mrs. Nakamura. She had three children,Myeko, Yaeko, and Toshio. She is a widow because her husband was a soldier and died. When the bomb went off she was 1,350 yards from the center. I think it's very interesting that every day before the bomb dropped she would pack up her kids and take them to the safe point. On the day the bomb dropped she decieded not too.

  20. Mrs. Makamura is also my favorite character. She has three kids Myeko who is five, Yaeko who is eight and Toshio who is ten. She is a widow who was married to a tailor. once he died she took over and made a living that way. She lived in Mobori-cho which was 1,350 yards away from the center of the explosion. When the bomb hit she was standing at the window looking out at her neighbor tearing down his house to make the fire lanes wider. Everything went white and she was flung into the next room where everything fell around her.

  21. Even though I don't like this book, one of the characters that stuck out to me was Dr. Terufumi Sasaki. I like him because he was one of few that managed to not get hurt from the bomb and because of that is faced with many responsibilities to help others and save lives since he is one of few doctors that is able.

  22. A person that really stuck out to me was Mrs. Hatsuyo Nakamura. She is a Tailor's widow and now also tailors clothes. The atomic bomb hit her house and she had 3 kids with her. She has to pull her buried alive children from under her house from all the debris.

  23. Mrs. Nakamura has 3 children. The day before the bomb dropped her and her children went to a bomb shelter after a warning. When they get back really early in the morning the kids are really tired and Mrs. Nakamura does not think they can handle another trip back to the shelter and so they stay. She falls asleep instantly and when she wakes up the bomb has been dropped

  24. Mrs. Nakamura has three children and is widowed. Her husband was killed in the war effort. She makes a living off of the sewing machine that her husband had used and after the bomb she found it broken. After borrowing money from her family to fix it, Mrs. Nakamura went back to tailoring to support her family bit eventually ended up selling her husband's machine to ba able to buy food.
