Friday, February 25, 2011

Chapter 1 and Truman's letter to Japan

After you finish reading chapter 1, read the letter President Truman wrote to the Hiroshima City Council, which is the first entry under the posts on this blog, and answer the following questions.
1. Prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor, were Japan and America friends?
2. Explain why you agree or disagree with President Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. Make sure you support your opinion.


  1. 1.)Yes, in the letter below it makes several references to the friendship between Japan and America.
    2.)I agree with Truman's decesion because instead of sending countless numbers of America's troops over to conquer Japan, many troops lives were saved by the use of the a-bomb. Additionally, as it said in the letter below, if America invaded Japan, the destruction would have been greatly devastating to both countries. Truman also makes the statement that this move to use the bomb was necessary because Japan had originally bombed Pearl Harbor. Also the a-bomb was needed to make Japan weak and surrender which would end the war.

  2. Prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japan and America were friends. I also agree with President Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb because Japan never should have went behind there back and attacked Pearl Harbor. Japan basically asked for something bad to happen. America just had to do what was best for the country.

  3. 1)Prior to the attack Japan and America were friends.
    2)I totally agree with the decision to drop the atomic bomb. Japan had to have known that we were going to get back at them for attacking us first. We had to protect our country. We needed to make Japan weak in order for them to surrender.

  4. Dropping the atomic bombs on Japan made many countries dislike America for using nuclear weapons. Also those cities had to remain untouched for many years because of radiation. I would say that the overall damage caused by the atomic bomb was more damage than a war could do. It also opened up the use of these nuclear weapons in the future. Great responses so far. Remember there are no right answers in these posts.

  5. 1. Japan and America were friends before the attack of Pearl Harbor.
    2. I agree with President Truman's decision mostly because the atomic bomb would cause fewer casualties.

  6. 1) Before Japan attacked America the two countries were friends
    2) I think President Truman made the right decision by dropping the atomic bomb because the bomb prevented many more American causalities.

  7. 1. Yes, Japan and America were friends because the attack on Pearl Harbor.
    2. I agree with President Truman's decision because by dropping the atomic bomb is caused less casualties.

  8. 1.Before the attack on Pearl Harbor the Japanese and Americans were friends.
    2.I also agree with the decision Truman's made by dropping the atomic bomb because number one i think he saved many more casulaties by doing this and number two i think if we would not have acted quickly Japan had the chance to take us over.

  9. 1.Prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor japan and the United States were freinds.

    2.I agree with President Truman's decision to dorp the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. The attcak on Pearl Harbor was unprovoked. The decision to drop the atomic bomb saved the United States a possible 1,000,000 casualties. Unfortunately the bomb did kill many thousands of civilains, but it saved both countries many more casualties if the two countries had continued fighting. President Truman felt bad for dropping the bomb on innocent civilains, but it was necessary to end the war. President Truman's decision is justified and i agree with his decision to drop the atomic bomb.

  10. Yes the US and Japan were friends before the the bombing at Pearl Harbor.
    I do not agree with bombing heroshemia! I think we should have talked things out not start a war or kill a bunch of people! How could people be ok with such a masacre!?

  11. The US and Japan were friends, but they didn't fully trust eachother. I agree with dropping the atomic bombs because it was the only way Japan would surrender.

  12. 1. Prior to the Japanese bombing Pearl Harbor Japan and the United States were not great friends All tho the letter makes several references to being friends with japan. The United States had placed an oil embargo against japan refusing to export oil to them.

    2. I agree with President Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It was a necessary cost to prevent the loss of American lives. It ended the second would war preventing the U.S. to have a land invasion of Japan saving Millions of lives on both sides.

  13. 1. The U.S. and Japan were friends prior to the attck.
    2.I agree with President Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb because the attack on Pearl Harbor was not provoked by the U.S. at all. By dropping the bomb it helped prevent the loss of American lives and should Japan we weren't scared to do anything.

  14. 1. The U.S. and Japan weren't exactly friends, but they were acquaintances prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor.
    2. I think the decision President Truman made was the best for America. It was a significant action because it ended the war along with protecting the United States from anymore surprising attacks on The United States similar to Pearl Harbor.

  15. Japan and the U.S. weren't exactly allies but not enemies either. I disagree with the atomic bomb dropping because of the amount of civilian deaths. I think that there must be another solution when it means civilian deaths will occur.

  16. 1. Japan and the US were acquaintances.
    2. I believe President Truman made the best decision for the United States. Yes, it caused many deaths, and was kind of cruel, but it protected the United States from any other surprise attacks Japan may have been planning. We were defending our country, and did what had to be done.

  17. 1. The United States were mutual friends.
    2. I believe that President Truman made the right decision by blowing up the Japanese and saving many more American lives.

  18. 1. Japan and the US were not exactly friends, but they weren't enemies before the attack at Pearl Harbor.
    2. I disagrees with President Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb because it caused many civilians deaths. If the number wouldn't have been so large it would have been different but with the high mortality rate from the bombing it was defintely unnesscary.

  19. 1. Yes, Japan and the United States were friends.
    2. Yes I think President Truman made the right decion because even though it caused many deaths we were just tring to save our own lives.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. 1. Before the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japan and America were friends.
    2. I don't agree with President Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima because, though it caused considerably less American deaths, I believe it was simply thoughtless to completely disregard the individual lives of the Japanese civilians.

  22. Before the attack on Pearl Harbor, there was a trace of friendship between the Japanese and Americans, but it wasn't a strong relationship.

    I agree with Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, because if not the casutalies on the American side would have been horrific.

  23. Yes they were friends before the war had started. I agree with president Trumans decision to drop the atomic bomb because it was provoked.

  24. The U.S and Japan were not enemys but they were not the closest of friends, there was plenty of distrust between the two countries. The atomic bomb dropping killed many of civilans but yet saved many american lives. It was not the greatest decision but when it comes down to it saved many boys from getting killed on Japans beaches.

  25. I would call the connection between the US and Japan neutral. I agree with Truman's decision to drop the bomb because even though there were a lot of casualties, there would have been more casualties for both sides had we invaded Japan.

  26. 1)The United States and Japan were neither allies or enimies.
    2)I agree with the dropping of the atomic bomb because even though it was a horrible event it had to be done. It was them or us. If it could have been worked out without war I think that would have been best but it obviously could not be because the Japanese were doing anything to win. You cant really reason with those kind of people. Dropping the atomic bomb was a tough decision but it was the best choice for saving US soldiers.

  27. 1)America and Japan were acquaintances.
    2)Although dropping the bomb on Japan was cruel but it was what had to be done for our country. As a president he was doing what was right for our country and keeping us safe.
